Client: Kindernothilfe
Agency: Serviceplan
Role: Senior Art Director
Year: 2021
Client: Kindernothilfe
Agency: Serviceplan
Role: Senior Art Director
Year: 2021
Client: Kindernothilfe
Agency: Serviceplan
Role: Senior Art Director
Year: 2021
Client: Kindernothilfe
Agency: Serviceplan
Role: Senior Art Director
Year: 2021
Client: Kindernothilfe
Agency: Serviceplan
Role: Senior Art Director
Year: 2021
150+ reasons to donate
Proof: There's always a reason to donate.
The pandemic hits the most vulnerable hardest: children in extreme poverty. That alone is reason enough to donate. With the campaign platform #DeinGrundZuSpenden (#YourReasonToDonate), we have additionally picked up potential donors for Kindernothilfe with their very personal donation motifs - courageous, honest, and entertaining. In this way we used interest, context, and hyper-local geo-targeting to bring more than 150 attention-grabbing and individually relevant donation reasons to the streets, newspapers, and feeds across germany. In print, out-of-home, pre-roll ads, display ads and in social media. And we also played out the motifs on a daily basis, whether on special occasions or on trending topics. In this way, we were able to increase the conversion rate by more than 850%.
For children in need.
150+ reasons to donate
Proof: There's always a reason to donate.
The pandemic hits the most vulnerable hardest: children in extreme poverty. That alone is reason enough to donate. With the campaign platform #DeinGrundZuSpenden (#YourReasonToDonate), we have additionally picked up potential donors for Kindernothilfe with their very personal donation motifs - courageous, honest, and entertaining. In this way we used interest, context, and hyper-local geo-targeting to bring more than 150 attention-grabbing and individually relevant donation reasons to the streets, newspapers, and feeds across germany. In print, out-of-home, pre-roll ads, display ads and in social media. And we also played out the motifs on a daily basis, whether on special occasions or on trending topics. In this way, we were able to increase the conversion rate by more than 850%.
For children in need.
150+ reasons to donate
Proof: There's always a reason to donate.
The pandemic hits the most vulnerable hardest: children in extreme poverty. That alone is reason enough to donate. With the campaign platform #DeinGrundZuSpenden (#YourReasonToDonate), we have additionally picked up potential donors for Kindernothilfe with their very personal donation motifs - courageous, honest, and entertaining. In this way we used interest, context, and hyper-local geo-targeting to bring more than 150 attention-grabbing and individually relevant donation reasons to the streets, newspapers, and feeds across germany. In print, out-of-home, pre-roll ads, display ads and in social media. And we also played out the motifs on a daily basis, whether on special occasions or on trending topics. In this way, we were able to increase the conversion rate by more than 850%.
For children in need.
150+ reasons to donate
Proof: There's always a reason to donate.
The pandemic hits the most vulnerable hardest: children in extreme poverty. That alone is reason enough to donate. With the campaign platform #DeinGrundZuSpenden (#YourReasonToDonate), we have additionally picked up potential donors for Kindernothilfe with their very personal donation motifs - courageous, honest, and entertaining. In this way we used interest, context, and hyper-local geo-targeting to bring more than 150 attention-grabbing and individually relevant donation reasons to the streets, newspapers, and feeds across germany. In print, out-of-home, pre-roll ads, display ads and in social media. And we also played out the motifs on a daily basis, whether on special occasions or on trending topics. In this way, we were able to increase the conversion rate by more than 850%.
For children in need.
150+ reasons to donate
Proof: There's always a reason to donate.
The pandemic hits the most vulnerable hardest: children in extreme poverty. That alone is reason enough to donate. With the campaign platform #DeinGrundZuSpenden (#YourReasonToDonate), we have additionally picked up potential donors for Kindernothilfe with their very personal donation motifs - courageous, honest, and entertaining. In this way we used interest, context, and hyper-local geo-targeting to bring more than 150 attention-grabbing and individually relevant donation reasons to the streets, newspapers, and feeds across germany. In print, out-of-home, pre-roll ads, display ads and in social media. And we also played out the motifs on a daily basis, whether on special occasions or on trending topics. In this way, we were able to increase the conversion rate by more than 850%.
For children in need.
Awards: ADC - Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Anzeige (Serie)
ADC -Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Plakat (Serie)
ADC - Bronce - Commercial > Copy for > Integrated/Crossmedia
New York Festival - Shortlist - The G100
Awards: ADC - Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Anzeige (Serie)
ADC -Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Plakat (Serie)
ADC - Bronce - Commercial > Copy for > Integrated/Crossmedia
New York Festival - Shortlist - The G100
Awards: ADC - Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Anzeige (Serie)
ADC -Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Plakat (Serie)
ADC - Bronce - Commercial > Copy for > Integrated/Crossmedia
New York Festival - Shortlist - The G100
Awards: ADC - Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Anzeige (Serie)
ADC -Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Plakat (Serie)
ADC - Bronce - Commercial > Copy for > Integrated/Crossmedia
New York Festival - Shortlist - The G100
Awards: ADC - Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Anzeige (Serie)
ADC -Silver - Advertising > Print Media > Plakat (Serie)
ADC - Bronce - Commercial > Copy for > Integrated/Crossmedia
New York Festival - Shortlist - The G100
Selected Works
Hoffmann Mineral - RedesignCampaign
Kindernothilfe - Campaign 2021Campaign
Staybl AppFor Good
WEY – Website Layout ConceptWebsite
JOYN – Frau Jordan stellt gleichCampaign
BMW AFTERSALES - Brand RelaunchCampaign
Salomon Shoepon: Do Sports. Get Sports.Product Design // PR
BMW AFTERSALES – ServicesCampaign
BMW MOTORSPORT - DTM BeautyshotsCampaign
DEUTSCHE LUFTHANSA – E-Dialouge.E-Dialouge
Tierpark HellabrunnPhoto
Wald und WiesePhoto
Calling SchnellPhoto
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